In fresh apricots, the highest level of vitamins is provided by vitamin A – 13% of the daily value in one fruit. This includes several beneficial carotenes, which release powerful antioxidants essential for maintaining your optimal vision, healthy skin and mucous membranes, and for protection against lung and mouth cancers.
Apricots also are a good source of vitamin C, known to ward off vision problems, promote healthy skin and mucous membranes, protect against lung and mouth cancers, and provide even more free radical-scavenging activity in your body. Flavonoids such as lutein and beta cryptoxanthins have such a high degree of benefits that they can actually help slow and even prevent age-related debilities and disease. Zeaxanthin, a carotenoid that absorbs into the retina, provides protective UV-filtering functions that may ultimately protect you against macular degeneration.
Apricots are enriched with a number of other health-promoting phytochemicals. Some have the capability of preventing heart disease by helping keep your cholesterol levels in the normal range, while the dietary fiber keeps your system running smoothly. What's more, the potassium provides compounds in cell and body fluids that help regulate your heart rate and blood pressure.